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Unreviewed Restaurants >> Connecticut >> Gold's Delicatessen (Westport)

Gold's Delicatessen

***** (5 stars, based on 1 review)
421 Post Road East (Route 1), Westport, CT 06880
(203) 227-0101 Find location!

Gold's Delicatessen is a deli in Westport, CT, that Boston's Hidden Restaurants has not yet reviewed, but is considered a restaurant of interest by this Web site. Below is a section where our readers can give us their own reviews of Gold's Delicatessen.

Sample items on the menu at Gold's Delicatessen include sturgeon, sable, pastrami, corned beef, and salami.

Cuisine: deli food
Cost: inexpensive
Location: just east of town center
One Reason to Go: authentic NY-style deli

(Note: Please contact us if you know of any other little-known restaurants that we should include on our site.)


*****pat pettit pace from Cheshire, CT, say:
This is the best deli. About 60 years ago, my family and I lived on Clinton Avenue in Bridgeport, CT. We were the last house before State Street. Mrs. Gold ran the Clinton Delicatessen on the corner. Her sons, Milton and Bernard worked with her. She was a wonderful, sweet, and generous woman. I miss her to this day. If we went for a Sunday drive, Mrs. Gold would go over to our house and check on the roast my mother had in the oven. They ran a beautiful store and everything was delicious, much of it made by Mrs. Gold. To this day, I can hear her calling, "Bernard" or "Milton," with a little lilt at the end. The good old days.
(Posted on 1/31/10)

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