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Cafe Apollonia (CLOSED)

146 Belgrade Avenue, Roslindale, MA 02131

Photo of Cafe Apollonia, Roslindale, MA Cafe Apollonia, which is easily one of the best restaurants in Boston, is also perhaps the only restaurant in Boston that serves Albanian food. This cozy place, located in a residential section of Roslindale, is one of those rare restaurants that serves world-class meals at prices that won't break the bank. Indeed, only a few other Boston area dining spots, including Lala Rokh on Beacon Hill and Pellino's in Marblehead serve consistently outstanding meals in elegant surroundings at reasonable prices.

What is Albanian food, you ask? Well, it is similar to Greek and Middle Eastern food in some ways, but different enough from those cuisines to be unique. If you go to Cafe Apollonia, you might want to start with the excellent Greek salad. The bread basket comes with a dipping oil that has a delicious garlic base to it. The beautifully-prepared dinners, such as the pounded veal cutlets with goat cheese, and the sliced breast of chicken with vegetables and mushroom sauce, are mouthwatering, delectable meals that remind you what truly great food tastes like. In addition, the wine and beer list at Cafe Apollonia is top-quality and substantial. The Pinot Grigio in particular is top shelf and quite reasonable.

Service at Cafe Apollonia is friendly and professional, which is what you should expect at a top restaurant such as this. The atmosphere is delightful, with exotic statues and pictures adorning the small rooms here. The Eastern European music in the background adds yet more atmosphere to Cafe Apollonia. Indeed, everything about this restaurant is special. So why were we the only people in Cafe Apollonia on a recent weeknight? Well, we honestly don't know, but we really hope that the word gets out about this place. Cafe Apollonia is a restaurant that should have lines out the door every night. Yes, it is that good; Roslindale, a Boston neighborhood that is beginning to gain quite a reputation as a center of very good dining spots, definitely has a true winner in Cafe Apollonia.