Thursday, April 10, 2014 (updated )
Ten Items from Bakeries and Pastry Shops in the Boston Area and Beyond
Since beginning the slideshow series a couple of years ago, Boston's Hidden Restaurants has included a couple of slideshows on desserts in the Boston area and beyond, with some baked good and pastries shown, but until now, there hasn't been a slideshow that focuses exclusively on items from bakeries and pastry shops in the area. This latest one looks at a variety of goodies from several such shops in and around Boston, with the last couple going outside of the immediate area.
Here is the latest slideshow. More will be on the way, so keep checking back!
Slideshow on Items from Bakeries and Pastry Shops
Related Blog Entries: slideshows
Posted by MH, Boston's Hidden Restaurants, on April 10, 2014.
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