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Anh Hong or Saigon Seafood (Dorchester)?

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I was cutting through Dorchester on my way to Quincy last night and noticed a couple of Vietnamese restaurants on Adams Street just outside of Fields Corner. One was called Anh Hong and the other was called Saigon Seafood Restaurant, and they were more or less across the street from each other. I think I've heard of Anh Hong, but have never heard of Saigon Seafood. Any opinions on either place? [Go here to post a reply.]
(Posted on 1/8/09 by hiddenboston)


Chum Tran wrote:
Anh Hong is a very good place to eat.
(Posted on 5/20/09)

Steve Brown wrote:
Anh Hong is really good.
(Posted on 6/6/09)

LTL wrote:
Anh Hong is good for 7 course beef, and I do like their spin on grilled beef spring rolls. Although I would still pick Pho 200 over Anh Hong for Vietnamese noodle soup. Saigon Seafood used to be Seafood Palace. I love their oysters steamed w/ ginger or black beans. Also their any of their seafood selection is fresher than most places in Dorchester since they catch their fish and crabs straight from the tank. Prices are higher at Saigon Seafood than Anh Hong.
(Posted on 1/6/10)


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