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Best Cannoli in the Boston Area?

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What restaurant or pastry shop do you think makes the best cannoli in the Boston area? What kinds of cannolis do they make in addition to the traditional ones, if any? Do they make ones coated in chocolate or ones with chocolate chips? [Go here to post a reply.]
(Posted by hiddenboston)

REPLIES (last updated ):

KB wrote:
Caffe Vittoria!!

KMD wrote:
Caffe Vittoria! I think they make the chocolate chips ones, not sure about the chocolate ones.

anonymous wrote:

Kristin wrote:
Wholly Cannoli in Worcester-
They have chocolate-dipped peanut butter cannolis that are TO DIE FOR! And the pistachio cannolis and cherry cannolis are fantastic as well. but the best thing is the "dynamite stick," such an amazing and indescribable pastry that they had to patent it!

EAM wrote:
Maria's on Cross Street in the North End.

JH wrote:

PS wrote:
UM HELLO. Mike's.

NB wrote:
Arthurs in Medford!

anonymous wrote:

meg wrote:
Mike's, by far

gp wrote:
Mikes pastries Boston!!

JB wrote:
Mike's is definitely the best, but Maria's is a close second.

EC wrote:
Maria's. Though, nobody in North End has cannoli with real fresh ricotta.

michael wrote:
Bova bakery in the north end. Open 24 hours. Almost never a line because it's tucked deep in there. So tasty. Not only cannoli too.

Amanda P. S. wrote:
As an Italian-American ex-New Yorker who lived in the North End for six years, I feel slightly embarrassed to admit this, but Mike's Pastry's florentine cannoli is the best!

Lynne H. wrote:
Im a Modern Pastery Fan!

Stewart M. wrote:
Gotta go with Modern, with Maria's just behind. Maria's shell with Modern ricotta would win hands down.

William E. wrote:
Mikes....because I love cannolis that are prefilled and waiting in a long line with people who refer to Boston as Beantown. My real vote would be for Maria's.

Kara B. wrote:
Modern Pastry

Dawn C. A. wrote:
Fisichelli's in Lawrence.

@VinnieTesla wrote:
Got great cannoli from the Modern Pastry in Medford this week. But the best I ever had were at @PizzaBarbone in Hyannis.

@GregoryDoyon wrote:
Maria's in the North End. Always overlooked but it's the best. Also, saw mayor Menino there 2 years ago so u know its good

@LydzS10 wrote:
prince cafe in Bedford. Love mikes and modern but prince...? It wins

@planningminion wrote:
Modern Pastry

William T. wrote:
Umberto's in Revere.

KM wrote:
The best are up for debate, but Mike's frozen, pre-filled garbage isn't even a contender. Modern is good.

bjm wrote:
Modern Bakery


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