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Questions and Answers >> Miscellaneous Topics >> Burgers: Griddled, Grilled, or Broiled?

Burgers: Griddled, Grilled, or Broiled?

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How do you like your burgers cooked? I usually like them griddled best, since I tend to like thin patties with lots of juice, but during the summer especially, I tend to eat grilled burgers a bit more often (mainly because there are barbecues happening nearly every weekend). I don't have broiled burgers quite as often, but don't mind them, either. What is your preference for cooking burgers? [Go here to post a reply.]
(Posted on 5/14/08 by hiddenboston)


RF wrote:
Grilled on an open flame. Tim's Tavern used to make the best grilled burgers. Nice and crispy on the outside, juicy and tasty inside.
(Posted on 8/4/09)


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