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Favorite Restaurant in Plymouth, MA?

(From Our Questions and Answers Feature)

What is your favorite dining spot in Plymouth, MA? Feel free to post your answer below, perhaps including a description and what you like at the restaurant. [Go here to post a reply.]


MU wrote:
Best place to get a great meal in Plymouth, MA. Hands down.
(Posted on 6/3/09)

SB wrote:
Sabor on Court Street. The food is just soooo yummy. It's worth going just for the house salad dressing. And don't get me started on the dessert case. They recently expanded to a new location, Sabor Market, off exit 5 and I've heard they've had some growing pains. I'm holding out hope that they will work the kinks out because the food is still just as delicious.
(Posted on 6/3/09)

JO wrote:
Cabby Shack in the summer on the deck. Great casual atmosphere.
(Posted on 6/11/09)

MP wrote:
East Bay Grill on the Waterfront in Plymouth. Their food is really great, location at the harbor prime, and I like the outdoor seating in the back. Last winter they ran a special of 2 entrees and a bottle of wine for $40. I recommend the Seafood Kristopher.
(Posted on 12/8/09)


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