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Favorite Restaurant in Waitsfield, VT?

(From Our Questions and Answers Feature)

What is your favorite dining spot in Waitsfield, VT? Feel free to post your answer below, perhaps including a description and what you like at the restaurant. [Go here to post a reply.]


Marc Reichman wrote:
Not technically in Waitsfield, but right next door, the Common Man restaurant. Simply splendid!
(Posted on 2/5/10)

Fun and Fearless in Beantown wrote:
One of my favorite places is the Green Cup. I've only been there for breakfast and lunch, but the food is really great. For breakfast, they had an assortment of muffins, breads and other baked goods. I drooled over their vegetable quiche but tried a piece of their bread pudding - filled with bread, raisins, chocolate, cinnamon and nutmeg.
Their hot pressed sandwiches are also delicious and they focus on using local ingredients. Two of my favorites are the grass-fed beef, Maplebrook mozzarella, sweet basil, and caramelized onion, and the other is the avocado, Vermont bacon, romaine lettuce and tomato.
(Posted on 2/5/10)

Tim Keogh wrote:
Castlerock Pub.
(Posted on 2/10/10)

P.A. wrote:
The Big Picture Cafe. Great for lunch and brunch!
(Posted on 2/11/10)


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