Boston's Hidden Restaurants

Leo's Ristorante

365 Hope Street, Bristol, RI 02809
(401) 253-9300 Find location!

Photo of Leo's Ristorante, in Bristol, RI Leo's Ristorante, a cozy dining spot in the center of Bristol, used to be known as Leo's Pizzeria and Deli, which was perhaps a misleading name, since there is so much more to this Italian restaurant than pizza and sandwiches. The menu features delicious veal entrees, a number of chicken dishes, and several kinds of pasta including lasagna and penne. In addition, Leo's has terrific salads that people here often order as a full meal. And then there is the pizza. Leo's Ristorante serves some of the tastiest pizza outside of Providence. They have personal pizzas as well as larger pies. and yes, if you wish to opt for lighter fare, Leo's has a number of interesting sandwiches, including the Laura, a delicious grilled portabella mushroom sandwich with melted cheese and roasted red peppers on a fresh kaiser roll.

The atmosphere at Leo's Ristorante is very nice whether you eat inside or out; the interior of Leo's has the feel of a restaurant from another era, with hanging lights that you may find in an old savings and loan building, and large windows that look out on Bristol's main drag. And if you prefer to sit outside, be prepared to do a lot of people-watching as well as car-watching, as Hope Street is full of walkers, bikers, and classic autos from seemingly all eras.

Bristol is too often seen as just another town to drive through on the way to Newport from Providence (or vice versa). This is a shame, since Bristol is one of the most interesting town in Rhode Island, with its extensive history, scenic waterfront location, and unique shops. The next time you are taking a drive to Rhode Island's capital city or the Newport area, stop by Bristol, soak in the relaxing atmosphere of the community, and enjoy a meal at Leo's Ristorante. Who knows--you may end up staying in the area for longer than you planned.

Resource Listing:

Visiting the Bristol, RI, area? Read about Route 77, a scenic drive near Bristol that meanders its way through some of the most beautiful parts of Rhode Island, including Tiverton Four Corners, Little Compton, and Sakonnet Point.