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Boston Restaurant Blog -- January, 2006

Thursday, January 5, 2006

Brown Sugar Cafe: Best Thai Restaurant in Boston?

I had one of the best dinners in awhile last night at the Brown Sugar Cafe, a Thai restaurant with two locations in Boston. We went to Brown Sugar's Commonwealth Avenue location last night, and it was every bit as good as the one on Jersey Street.

photo of the Brown Sugar Cafe, Boston, MA Our meal at the Brown Sugar Cafe started with a plate of puffy Thai dumplings, or pastries, filled with celery, potatoes, mushrooms, and a mild yellow curry. They were delicious, and held our hunger in check until the entrees came. One entry was a marinated beef in gravy with ginger, watercress, macadamia nuts, peppers, and mushrooms, which was absolutely amazing. The second entry was a stir-fried rice dish with ground chicken, basil leaves, carrots, mushrooms, peppers, and cucumbers, all in a very hot, spicy chili sauce.

I was pretty astounded at the quality of the food at the Brown Sugar Cafe. The menu is extensive and includes both authentic Thai and Americanized Thai cuisine, so there is something for everyone at the Brown Sugar Cafe. I can't recommend these two Boston Thai restaurants enough. But is the Brown Sugar Cafe the best Thai restaurant in the Boston area? Well, I'm not ready to put it at the top of the list just yet, but it is darn close.

Brown Sugar Cafe on Urbanspoon

Related Blog Entries: Boston restaurants, Thai restaurants


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