Thursday, March 5, 2015 (updated )
Twelve Guilty Pleasures from Boston-Area and New England Restaurants
A lot of slideshows have been posted on this site over the past few years, and if there is one common thread, it is that most of them feature food items that you might not want to eat every day. Indeed, you won't see much in the way of plates of celery or cups of green tea here, with the focus instead being on guilty pleasures, and that is the specific theme of this new slideshow. Included in the latest slideshow are such items as chocolate lava cake, a breakfast pizza, and other items that you tend to eat before taking a nice long nap.
Below is a link to the brand new slideshow. More slideshows will be coming, by the way, so keep checking back for new ones!
Slideshow for Twelve Guilty Pleasures
Related Blog Entries: slideshows
Posted by MH, Boston's Hidden Restaurants, on March 5, 2015.
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