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Unreviewed Restaurants >> Massachusetts >> Stone's Public House (Ashland)

Stone's Public House

***** (4 stars, based on 3 reviews)
179 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721
(978) 448-2900 Find location!

Stone's Public House is an American restaurant in Ashland, MA, that Boston's Hidden Restaurants has not yet reviewed, but is considered a restaurant of interest by this Web site. Below is a section where our readers can give us their own reviews of Stone's Public House.

Sample items on the menu at Stone's Public House include lamb shepard's pie, pressed Cuban sandwich, and seared mustard crusted salmon.

Cuisine: American
Cost: moderately inexpensive
Location: Metrowest
One Reason to Go: rumors of the house being haunted

(Note: Please contact us if you know of any other little-known restaurants that we should include on our site.)


*****TH from Worcester, MA, say:
Great place in Ashland. Very nice, AUTHENTIC pub vibe. Real, working fireplace, if it's not on it's a bit chilly. Decent food, some things better than others. Standouts are the burger, fish and chips. Solid beer list for this area. Give it a try.
(Posted on 3/8/10)

*****LL from Franklin, MA, say:
Food is decent, not great. Really cool/creepy atmosphere though and worth a try for that alone.
(Posted on 3/4/10)

*****FHG from Dover, MA, say:
1838 Public House. Real fireplace, great bar, good food.
I don't know how many buildings in Mass. have been in constant use as a Public House, but this has. Worth the drive.
(Posted on 2/22/10)

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Note: Reader review posts have now been closed for this restaurant.